They call me... completionist.

Okay so this is it... this is what I have to work with.

I know that I'm probably not the first to do this... and doubt I'll be the last.
But this is my story.

-1987-(FF**)-The one that started it all.
-1988-(FFII)-More involved/deeper story, even romance! Oh my!
-1990-(FFIII)-Introducing summons... and moogles! \o/
-1991-(FFIV)-Hello ATB, nice to meet you.
-1992-(FFV)-Expanded job system, more character control.
-1994-(FFVI)-Popular favorite in the series. Yay cactuars!
-1997-(FFVII**)-First FF with 3D graphics. Best selling. Most popular.
-1999-(FFVIII*)-What's your function junction? I named my cat Quistis.
-2000-(FFIX**)-Active Time Events. The kid characters turned me away.
-2001-(FFX*)-Voice acting and great story. Blitzball sucks.
-2003-(FFX-2*)-Charlie's Angels meets Final Fantasy.
-2006-(FFXII**)-Gambit system, too easy. MMO style encounters.

* - Played and finished before this blog
** - Tried but never completed before this blog

Song Playing: 4 Strings - Let It Rain

(FFIII) Get a job!

So far the game has been entertaining. Characters aren't as customizable as FFII but in a way that's a relief. Your job level increases the more you use it, so there are two sets of EXP to earn.
There are many jobs available, 23 total. A new set unlocked with each crystal that you find.
But which one to choose? Hrm... so many choices. I'm a fan of not depending on MP for offensive attacks but sometimes having a mage type class is needed for some fights. I've decided to go with a Knight, Dragoon, Geomancer and White Mage group for now... I haven't unlocked the last crystal yet so this will probably change afterwards.
As for the graphics... I know I keep mentioning the kid like characters... and it's sooooo hard to take them seriously. Yes it's just a game but when a "rawr big bad boss" looks like a kid in a halloween costume, I have to kinda lol. One boss was an undead, I swear it looked like:
Rawr I am scary, mkay?

But I'll stick it out until the end! Shouldn't be too long from now...

Song Playing: Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal