Okay this isn't Star Wars... but I was a part of the rebels against The Emperor!
So yeah...
Today I finished Final Fantasy II. The story was more entertaining than the first (what story in the original you ask?) and I enjoyed the character customization.
Leveling spells is smart and a grind all at the same time. The more you use one, the powerful it becomes and the more it costs. That even applies to defensive magic such as Protect and Wall. When going against some bosses, if your defensive spells aren't above a certain #, they're pretty much worthless. Even leveling Esuna is important.
I like the fact that all your spells can be an AoE just weaker than single target.
The only spell that isn't worth leveling is Life. Costs more but does the same thing so use up those Phoenix Downs!
Overall it's a great game, especially if you're feeling retro and want to enjoy a good RPG. The story is good and your characters have personalities. Guy doesn't speak much but he's just a muscle brute. :)
Dungeons aren't as maze-like as the first so I enjoyed them much more. Bosses weren't too tough as long as you knew what spells to cast.
The final boss was a breeze because I took the easy way out and used the Blood Sword. Pretty much worthless but seriously OP fighting The Emperor.
Next stop will be FFIII! Stay tuned!
Song Playing: Lily Allen - Smile
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